Maryellen McCabe
Heroes & Heroines
The Music
Other Resumes
Contact Us

Maryellen McCabe has been a musician, songwriter, producer, concert organizer, and political activist for over thirty years. Heroes and Heroines is a multi-media event that has evolved from her years of commitment. It is a performance with an optional workshop that is dedicated to promoting human rights and peace.

Her most recent album is is entitled HEROES AND HEROINES FOR HUMAN RIGHTS and includes songs on Gandhi, Nelson Mandella, the Dalai Lama and Ang Sang Sui Kyi to name but a few.

She and her band have recorded many songs that pay tribute to great men and women who have devoted their lives to serving the Common Good, International Democracy, Peace and Freedom. Please explore this site for information on the music, the performance, the workshop, and other activities of Maryellen McCabe: they include her work as an events producer and programmer, Screenwriter of "Son of the Virgin Queen"  about the live of Sir Francis Bacon, children's music teacher, Licensed Biofeedback Therapist, Frequency Healing and astrologer.

You are invited to contact Maryellen by email or phone.

Thank you for visiting!

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